Call for Abstract

International Conference on Aging & Gerontology, will be organized around the theme “Healthy Living, Healthy Aging to Promote Vital Longevity ”

ICAG 2016 is comprised of 21 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in ICAG 2016.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Aging can also be defined as a progressive functional decline, or a gradual deterioration of physiological function with age, including a decrease in fecundity, or the intrinsic, inevitable and irreversible aging process of loss of viability and increase in vulnerability. Physiological changes occur slowly over time in all body systems. These changes are influenced by life events, illnesses, genetic traits and socioeconomic factors.

  • Track 1-1Aging Process
  • Track 1-2Aging Physiology
  • Track 1-3Aging Statistics
  • Track 1-4Aging Ergonomics
  • Track 1-5Active Aging
  • Track 1-6Aging Research

The study of the biology of aging or biogerontology, has as its primary objective understanding the basic processes that underlie aging and agerelated disease. For some this means increasing human life span, for others it means increasing human health-span. Biological aging is the gradual deterioration of function characteristic of most complex life forms, arguably found in all biological kingdoms, that on the level of the organism increases mortality after maturation. The word senescence can refer either to cellular senescence or to senescence of the whole organism.ase.

  • Track 2-1Aging Cell Biology
  • Track 2-2Aging Molecular Biology
  • Track 2-3Aging Evolutionary Biology
  • Track 2-4Aging and Death Biology
  • Track 2-5Aging and Metabolism
  • Track 2-6Aging and Immunology
  • Track 2-7Aging and Cancer cell Biology

Geriatrics refers to the medical care for the elderly people whose age is above 65. The healthcare professionals who specialize in Geriatrics are known as Geriatricians. 

  • Track 3-1Aging and Geriatic Medicine
  • Track 3-2Aging and Geriatric Dentistry
  • Track 3-3Aging and Geriatric Nursing
  • Track 3-4Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry
  • Track 3-5Aging and Geriatric Care
  • Track 3-6Aging and Clinical Geriatrics
  • Track 3-7Aging and Geriatric Cardiology
  • Track 3-8Aging and Geriatric Rehabilitation

Gerontology is multidisciplinary and is concerned with physical, mental, and social aspects and implications of aging. The field of gerontology is actually quite broad, containing many professionals who focus on various aspects of aging and development. 

  • Track 4-1Aging and Biogerontology
  • Track 4-2Aging and Sociogerontology
  • Track 4-3Aging and Psychogerontology
  • Track 4-4Aging and Applied Gerontology
  • Track 4-5Aging and Clinical Gerontology
  • Track 4-6Aging and Experimental Gerontology
  • Track 4-7Aging and Translational Gerontology
  • Track 4-8Aging and Geroscience

Modern western society is obsessed with achievement, youth, and beauty. Since the latter half of the 20th Century there has been an increasing focus on the body as a vehicle for identity and self expression, with a greater recognition of the role of appearance and the desire for self improvement. The growth of cosmetic surgery is not a reflection of the increasing ugliness of people but a reflection of our increasing negative self-perception.

  • Track 5-1Aging and Bariatric Surgery
  • Track 5-2Aging and Laser Surgery
  • Track 5-3Aging and Plastic Surgery

Neurobiology is the study of cells of the nervous system and the organization of these cells into functional circuits that process information and mediate behaviour. It is a sub discipline of both biology and neuroscience. 

  • Track 6-1Aging and Neuroembryology
  • Track 6-2Aging and Neurodegeneration
  • Track 6-3Aging and Neuroregeneration
  • Track 6-4Aging and Neurorehabilitation
  • Track 6-5Aging and Neuropsychology

Calorie needs change due to more body fat and less lean muscle. Less activity can further decrease calorie needs. With age, it becomes more important that diets contain enough calcium, fiber, iron, protein, and the vitamins A, B12, C, D and Folacin. Older adults should reduce calories, select nutrient-dense foods, and enjoy smaller portions of foods high in fat, sugar and sodium. Because no one food or pill provides all of the nutrients, they should eat a variety of foods to get the full spectrum of nutrients.

  • Track 7-1Aging and Nutritional Needs
  • Track 7-2Healthy Aging and Nutrition
  • Track 7-3Aging and Malnutrition
  • Track 7-4Aging and Food

Forgetfulness is a common complaint among older adults. Mental Health should be the most important aspect for the aged people to lead a normal life. While mental illness is not an inevitable part of aging, and older people actually experience fewer mental health conditions (excepting cognitive impairment) as they age, approximately 6.9% of people aged 65-74 experience "frequent mental distress," and many experience mental health and substance use conditions associated with loss of functional capacity even though a formal diagnosis may not be justified.

  • Track 8-1Aging and Depression
  • Track 8-2Aging and Anxiety
  • Track 8-3Aging and Dementia
  • Track 8-4Aging and Delirium
  • Track 8-5Aging and Alzheimers Disease
  • Track 8-6Aging and Mild Cognitive Impairment
  • Track 8-7Aging and Stress

Changes in posture and gait (walking pattern) are common with aging. Bones become more brittle and may break more easily. Overall height decreases, mainly because the trunk and spine shorten. Breakdown of the joints may lead to inflammation, pain, stiffness, and deformity. Joint changes affect almost all elderly people. These changes range from minor stiffness to severe arthritis. The posture may become more stooped (bent). The knees and hips may become more flexed.

  • Track 9-1Aging and Orthopedics
  • Track 9-2Aging and Osteoporosis
  • Track 9-3Aging and Pagets Disease
  • Track 9-4Aging and Osteoarthritis
  • Track 9-5Aging and Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Track 9-6Aging Bones
  • Track 9-7Aging Joints
  • Track 9-8Aging and Rheumatology
  • Track 9-9Aging Bone Diseases
  • Track 9-10Aging Bone Treatments

An aging-associated disease is a disease that is most often seen with increasing frequency with increasing senescence. An estimated 83.6 million American adults have 1 or more types of  Cardiovascular diseases, Of these, 42.2 million are estimated to be ≥60 years of age. For the 60–79-year-old age group, the following have Cardiovascular diseases, 70.2% of men, 70.9% of women. For the 80+ year-old age group, 83.0% of men; 87.1% of women have Cardiovascular diseases. Heart failure is the major cause for the death of elderly people suffering from cardiac problem The most commonly effected disease for the elderly people is Parkinson’s disease.

  • Track 10-1Aging Pathology
  • Track 10-2Aging and Urology
  • Track 10-3Aging and Parkinsons Disease
  • Track 10-4Aging and HIV
  • Track 10-5Aging and Obesity
  • Track 10-6Aging and Depression
  • Track 10-7Aging Heart
  • Track 10-8Aging and Hypertension
  • Track 10-9Aging Skin

Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime. The disabilities that are generally seen in the elderly people are weakening of vision, hearing impairment, olfaction & taste function disabilities. Glaucoma, Cataracts and Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD) are the visual impairments that are developed with the age.

  • Track 11-1Aging and Movement Disorders
  • Track 11-2Aging Liver
  • Track 11-3Aging Memory Loss
  • Track 11-4Aging Kidneys
  • Track 11-5Aging Diabetes
  • Track 11-6Aging Hearing Impairment
  • Track 11-7Aging and Dental Problems
  • Track 11-8Aging Vision Loss
  • Track 11-9Aging and Sleep disorders
  • Track 11-10Aging Hair
  • Track 11-11Aging and Communicational Disorders

More than one in four American adults, according to a 2009 AARP survey, have become family caregivers to aging loved ones with chronic conditions. Of those caregivers, many spend, on average, nearly 20 hours a week in addition to an outside job caring for elderly parents. Aging Services provides the required services for the elderly people.

  • Track 12-1Aging and Public Policies
  • Track 12-2Aging and Wellness
  • Track 12-3Aging Caregivers
  • Track 12-4Aging Care Managers
  • Track 12-5Aging and Social Services
  • Track 12-6Elderly Health Insurance
  • Track 12-7Elderly Retirement Plans
  • Track 12-8Advanced Care Planning
  • Track 12-9Ethical and legal aspects of aged

Aging care services are holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults or others facing on going health challenges. Working with families, the expertise of Aging Life Care Professionals provides the answers at a time of uncertainty. Their guidance leads families to the actions and decisions that ensure quality care and an optimal life for those they love, thus reducing worry, stress and time off of work for family caregivers through individual health professionals.

  • Track 13-1Rehabilation Management
  • Track 13-2Specialist care Management
  • Track 13-3End of life care Management
  • Track 13-4Aging and Supportive Care
  • Track 13-5Quality of Care

By 2030, the number  of U.S. adults aged 65 years or older will more than double to about 71 million. The rapidly increasing number and diversity of older Americans has far-reaching implications for the U.S. public health system and will place unprecedented demands on aging services and the nation’s entire health care system. Quality of life is widely accepted as an indicator of successful ageing, and it is monitored as a means of measuring the effectiveness of social policies, welfare programmes, and health care.

  • Track 14-1Aging Quality of Life
  • Track 14-2Aging Life Style Alternatives
  • Track 14-3Aging and Caregiving Technologies
  • Track 14-4Aging Home Environment
  • Track 14-5Community Aging Technologies

A Case Study involves an up-close, in-depth, and detailed examination of a subject (the case), as well as its related contextual conditions. Case studies appear with great frequency throughout popular works, with nearly anybody able to claim to have done one. Case studies also can be produced by following a formal research method. These case studies are likely to appear in formal research venues, such as journals and professional conferences, rather than popular works. Aging population in USA, Geriatric Psychiatry and other case studies related to the aging population are discussed.

  • Track 15-1Aging Psychiatry
  • Track 15-2Aging Population
  • Track 15-3Aging Population USA
  • Track 15-4Aging Veterans

Aging women make up a significant proportion of the world's population and their numbers are growing. Worldwide, there are some 123 women for every 100 men aged 60 and over. The common problems faced by the elderly women are Menopause, decrease in bone density, Breast and Cervical Cancers. After menopause, women tend to lose bone mass at an accelerated rate, which can lead to osteoporosis

  • Track 16-1Aging and Menopause
  • Track 16-2Aging and Breast Cancer
  • Track 16-3Aging and Cervical Cancer
  • Track 16-4Aging and Brain Health
  • Track 16-5Aging and Vitamin deficiency

Aging is the single biggest risk factor for developing cancer. However, it also increases the risk of other diseases and injury and can affect a person’s well-being, independence, and feelings of self-worth all issues that need to be considered when cancer treatment decisions are being made, as well as during treatment. Older adults have a higher risk for cancer and other diseases that may affect cancer treatment, care, and recovery.

  • Track 17-1Aging and Tumours
  • Track 17-2Aging and Cancer Screening
  • Track 17-3Aging and Cancer Prevention
  • Track 17-4Aging and Cancer Treatments

Genetics of aging is generally concerned with life extension associated with genetic alterations, rather than with accelerated aging diseases leading to reduction in lifespan. The role of genetics in determining life-span is complex and paradoxical. Although the heritability of life-span is relatively minor, some genetic variants significantly modify senescence of mammals and invertebrates, with both positive and negative impacts on age-related disorders and life-spans.

  • Track 18-1Aging and Genes
  • Track 18-2Aging Genomics
  • Track 18-3Aging and Epigenetics
  • Track 18-4Telomeres and Aging
  • Track 18-5Aging and Stem cells
  • Track 18-6Aging Genetic Process
  • Track 18-7Aging Genetic Disorders
  • Track 18-8Imaging Genetics in Aging
  • Track 18-9Bioinformatics in Aging
  • Track 18-10Aging and Regenerative Medicine

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. Health is a dynamic condition resulting from a body’s constant adjustment and adaptation in response to stresses and changes in the environment for maintaining an inner equilibrium called Homeostasis. Aging refers to the inevitable, irreversible decline in organ function that occurs over time even in the absence of injury, illness, or poor lifestyle choices.

  • Track 19-1Aging and Mental Health
  • Track 19-2Aging and Bone Health
  • Track 19-3Aging and Physical Activity
  • Track 19-4Aging and Social Policy
  • Track 19-5Aging and Rehabilitation
  • Track 19-6Aging and Exercises
  • Track 19-7Aging Physical Therapy

Anti-aging treatments are meant to slow down the aging process by many ways. Anti-aging diet includes the nutrition requirements for the body for its healthy functioning and to reduce the risk of cell aging. Getting adequate nutrition can be a challenge as you get older. With age, the number of calories you need begins to decline. Anti-aging medicine is the pinnacle of biotechnology joined with advanced clinical preventive medicine.

  • Track 20-1Anti aging Supplements
  • Track 20-2Anti aging Medicine
  • Track 20-3Anti aging Exercises
  • Track 20-4Anti aging Therapies
  • Track 20-5Anti aging Technologies
  • Track 20-6Anti aging Diet
  • Track 20-7Anti aging Pills
  • Track 20-8Anti aging Antioxidants
  • Track 20-9Anti aging Foods

Aging 2016 provides great avenues for Investors seeking for investment opportunities and expanding their business horizons.  Our conference is attended by participants from more than 40 countries and attracts an interesting combination of academic researchers, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of innovations in Anti-aging research thereby providing plenty of networking opportunities and newfound knowledge.

To explore more about business and investment opportunities write us at